A consolidated, context-aware “Action Bar” enhances usability by reducing cognitive load and improving task efficiency. Standardizing its location and adapting its content to user needs will ensure a seamless and intuitive dashboard experience.
Our objective is to understand user needs, preferences, and usability considerations for a unified “Action Bar” design that provides context-relevant actions (e.g., “Duplicate,” “Delete,” “Schedule,” “Print”) across multiple dashboard pages.
Contextual Inquiry:
Observed users interacting with dashboards in their workflows.
Identified patterns in accessing and performing actions across pages
User Interviews:
Conducted interviews to understand users’ expectations for accessing actions.
Explored frustrations with inconsistent or redundant action placements.
Prototyped consolidated action bar designs and tested with users.
Measured task completion times, error rates, and satisfaction.
Competitive Analysis:
Reviewed action bar implementations in other tools (e.g., Google Workspace, Jira).
Identified successful approaches and usability challenges.